Thanks to generous community donations, we have achieved the first milestone of the Lake Access For All Waterfront Redevelopment campaign: We’ve raised $1,000,000 which has been matched by a gift of $500,000 from the Charles A. and Marna Davis Foundation.
We are moving forward with engineering, planning, and permitting for this safe harbor project immediately. The process of selecting design and engineering firms begins now, and our hope is to start construction in the fall of 2022.
We’ll be sharing Lake Access For All updates as we progress. Please let me know at any time if you have any questions. I’ll be focusing my energies on the capital campaign and a newly formed construction subcommittee of the board. We’ll continue to host Lunch and Learn events throughout the winter.
If you know of anyone that would be interested in hearing our story, please contact Janet Callison by calling (802) 864-2499 or emailing
We are so grateful for the support we’ve received toward our goal of building a more accessible waterfront for all. We’re forging ahead now toward milestone 2, which will fund construction of the project. When we reach the next $1,000,000 in donations, it will be matched again by the Charles A. and Marna Davis Foundation with another $500,000. And with the help of CSC’s neighbors and friends, we have confidence we’ll get there soon!